Shauna Elton

Shauna Elton

CNP, E-RYT 200 / April 2014

Most memorable moment at IHN
Going on the herb walk for Herbal Medicine and being in awe of how nature has provided such amazing things to us in plants.
It inspired me to continue my research and studies into herbs and their healing qualities.

Favourite class at IHN
Professional Skills Development really clarified my goals and put me on the path to creating ‘Munch-kin’, Food and Your Family.
I am now fully involved in helping families make informed choices about their health and am involved in local schools educating kids on how their bodies work and why healthy foods make sense.

Currently doing in the field of Holistic Nutrition
Being a mother of two I have experienced the challenges and the merry-go-round of what two rambunctious children can throw at you. My aim is to help slow down the ride and shed light on how NUTRITION can change how people think, feel and look at life!
I have recently launched my new business: Munch-Kin, Food and Your Family ( Home is where the food is! I help families make empowered choices when it comes to whole family health and nutrition. I offer family consultations to help clarify family goals and create the strategy to achieve them. I help define a family’s philosophy about food and what a healthy home looks like to them. By understanding the makings behind power struggles at the dinner table, there can be peace at family meals. I also offer a workshop series for Mamas and their Munchkins.
Introducing first foods to a baby can be filled with questions and doubts. I teach about their natural needs and impulses and help mothers understand how to circumnavigate the ‘picky eating’ pit fall. It’s much easier to lay the foundations for healthy eating at the beginning than backtracking over years of bad eating habits.

Favourite Quote

Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.

Albert Einstein
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