
Dear Students and Alumni of the Institute of Holistic Nutrition!
The IHN Weekly Digest e-newsletters, prior to 2021, have been archived.
Throughout the years, we have striven to communicate with you through email, social media channels, webinars, and snail mail. We miss seeing students and graduates in-person, when we attend consumer health shows and host our open houses. We hope that our outreach has been meaningful to you.
Our WD (as we like to call it) still includes content on what your peers are up to in the field, webinars, guest speakers, CNP’s recipes, IHN’s faculty and administrative teams and upcoming special events. Uniquely included for students and alumni are employment opportunities, with accessible links.
If you are reading this and have colleagues who are not receiving the IHN Weekly Digest, please email julia@instituteofholisticnutrition.com and ask to be added. We are honoured to be part of your personal and professional health and wellness journey!