Natural Health Practitioner Alexandra Gellman specializes in trusted, simple approaches to wellness, health, nutrition, and how to improve life—in easy, do-able steps. With a PhD in Integrative Medicine, as a Certified Nutritional Practitioner, Registered Homeopath, Orthomolecular Health Practitioner, and Behavioral Life Coach, Alexandra has over 30 years’ experience transforming the lives of clients and patients. She opens the door to health and wellbeing with her training, coaching, and guidance services relying on natural modalities to make effective lifestyle change, such as eating to promote better health and weight management.

Alex is the author of several books and has developed a number of programs, including for HIV patients and wellness protocols to help individuals make lifestyle adjustments to deal with chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and fibromyalgia. Alex’s specializations include, Integrative Medicine & Functional Wellness, Homeopathy, Iridology, Behavioral/Life Coach, Reflexology, Trained Diabetic Instructor, Vega Tolerance Testing. Alex graduated from The Institute of Holistic Nutrition in 2013.

For information on treatment, workshops, or to set up remote or in-person sessions, please
contact Alexandra Gellman.
416 456 4357