jacqueline Steinert, BA (Hons), CNP

Jacqueline Steinert, BA (Hons), CNP

Jacqueline is a Certified Nutritional Practitioner from The Institute of Holistic Nutrition with First Class Distinction. Prior to her nutritional studies, she graduated with Honors from Harvard University majoring in Economics with a citation in French, where she privately tutored in economics and mentored youth in an outdoor wilderness program. She also earned her Basic Diploma from Le Cordon Bleu in Paris, a catalyst for her love for food.
Jacqueline has an extensive background in quantitative research, having worked at Investment Bank Goldman Sachs, & Co. in New York City in Investment Grade Credit Research. She has a diverse global background; her husband and her decided to relocate to Asia where they experienced a myriad of cultures and cuisines and eventually gave birth to their son. Through these worldly experiences, as well as working with families with children seeking sustainable healthful lifestyles, Jacqueline is excited to share her passion in empowering people with knowledge about nutrition with the IHN community.
Jacqueline runs a thriving private practice, JS Holistic Nutrition which works with families in specialties ranging from but not limited to childhood development, family meal preparation, hormonal health, inflammation, immunity, and allergies/sensitivities. She believes in the profound power of food to heal. She has been the Chair of Wellbeing at the Upper Canada College (UCC) Prep School and an active member on the Nutrition Committee at UCC. She regularly presents as well, teaching children about the importance of sound nutrition at a young age.
Jacqueline teaches Advanced Nutrition Research, Comparative Diets, Nutritional Pathology, and Nutrition Through the Lifespan at the Institute of Holistic Nutrition’s North York and Mississauga Campuses.

  • NR 006 Advanced Nutrition Research

    Emphasis in this course will be given to statistical research techniques used by academics and practitioners in the field of nutrition. The course involves examining ethical considerations, appropriateness, reliability and validity of research designs. Students will be encouraged to critically analyze research literature in this field.

  • CD 011 Comparative Diets

    This course provides a holistic model methodology in evaluating principles of food dynamics, nutrient proportions, holistic individuality, the law of opposites, food combining, and more. Students learn and assess the many therapeutic benefits and limitations of several alternative diet approaches, including: modern diets (intermittent fasting, macrobiotics), food combining (colour-therapy/rainbow diet), high protein diets (Ketogenic, Paleo), Vegetarian approaches (plant-based/vegetarian/vegan variations, fruitarian, raw food), as well as cleansing and detoxification diets (caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine detoxes, juice fasts). With the knowledge gained in this course, students will be able to identify individual's dietary imbalances, and analyze macronutrient proportions to design custom health-promoting diets and lifestyle programs.

  • NP 07 Nutritional Pathology

    This course provides a thorough understanding in the study of the traits, causes and effects of disease, as seen in the structure and workings of the Human body. The course will focus on the several body systems, including the etiology of various disease states and effective recognition of the various nutritional factors involved with the disease process. Pathology and symptomatology of various conditions that will be covered include those that affect the digestive, gastrointestinal, respiratory, urinary, endocrine, reproductive, cardiovascular, musculo-skeletal, immune and nervous systems. Students will also learn proper terminology involved in identifying various disease conditions.

  • NLS 010 Nutrition through the Life Span

    Nutrient needs and nutritional status are explored using a life span model. Areas of emphasis include growth and development, high risk pediatric groups, infant childhood allergies and diseases. Womens’ and Mens’ health concerns and the nutrition challenges faced by our aging society will also be examined.