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Presenter: Caron Devita LBA, BTA
Join Caron DeVita, President of Biotics Research Canada, for an informative discussion on the empirical results of metals accumulation in the human body, how to identify up to 12 toxic metals and to safely and successfully detoxify your patients that go beyond the standard protocols. In this talk you will learn the “telltale” signs of metals toxicity and make the connection between specific metals and the symptoms they exacerbate.
You will gain understanding into how to look inside the body and make YOUR treatment safe and effective for your patient. Oral Chelation is the least invasive and the safest, most cost effective way to eliminate various metals from the system, this will become the “starting point” for all of your detox regimens. Once identified, you will ensure that “Healing the Gut” is accomplished, followed with “Balancing Digestion”, THEN your Metals Detoxification protocol is ready to go! Many patients are “sensitive” performing a metals detox.
This process does NOT have to be uncomfortable, this lecture will discuss methods to “de-sensitize” your patient prior to detox. This safe and successful detoxification goes beyond the standard protocols, making yourself and your clients well again.
During this 3 hour practitioner lecture you will learn:
• Signs and symptoms of Metals Toxicity
• Results of Toxic Metals Damage
• Dental Mercury Amalgam Material History
• Root Canal toxicity
• Finding the right Dentist
• How to “De-Sensitize” your patient
• Protocols discussed: Healing the gut • Balancing Digestion • Metals Detoxification
• Various testing methods including Hair Tissue testing, Fecal, Blood and Urine testing
• Provocative Challenges using the “natural, Oral Chelation methods” and discussion on empirical results
• Ongoing support
A sample product package will be offered to all attendees that consists of:
• Chela-Zyme tablets Sample baggie—this is the “key” heavy metals chelator product that will be discussed.
• Gastrazyme tablets Sample baggie
• IPS (Intestinal Permeability Support) capsules Sample baggie
• Hydro-Zyme tablets Sample baggie
• A.D.P. (Anti-Disbiosis Product) tablets Sample baggie
• Biotics Protocol booklet (around 40 protocols)
• Biotics Catalog and Price List
• Each attendee will also be entered into a draw to win $150.00 (retail) worth of Biotics products of the winner’s choice!
On campus Organic Drinks and Snacks!
A variety of CNP made eats and refreshments will be available for purchase before the lecture from 4:30 – 6:00 pm
About the Presenter
Caron is a Certified Biological Terrain and Blood Analyst. She trained in Germany at the New Life Centre, a 130 bed hospital for Alternative Medicine. She is certified in Biological Terrain Assessment, and has performed over 6,000 BTA’s. Other trainings include Autonomic Response Testing, Psycho Kinesiology and Neural Therapy with Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt MD. Her past clinical experience included a test facility for Doctors requesting BTAs, Live and Dried Blood Analysis, Hair Tissue and Urine/Fecal Assessments. She has also trained extensively in the area of Toxic Metals Identification and Detoxification and has lectured across Canada on the subject to both Doctors and patients alike.