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Getting Out of the Tired Rut: Beyond Burnout & Adrenal Fatigue
Presenter: Dr. Jozef Krop MD (retired), HD, CNP and Joanna Krop MA, B. Ed, BRT
Fatigue and exhaustion seem to be the new normal – but it doesn’t have to be that way. Join Dr. Krop and Joanna Krop for an eye-opening presentation on the signs, symptoms and root causes of adrenal fatigue and how to get energy back. Dr. Krop and Joanna will dispel the myths that many believe about adrenals and your health—and help you as health practitioners understand the traps that keep energy in a vicious cycle of depletion. You will discover the patterns that maintain the path to burnout and understand why the usual advice of eat well, exercise, get enough sleep and meditate are not adequate measures to combat debilitating stress. Discover effective practices to release stress, restore vitality and reclaim wellbeing – physical and emotional.
Key Topics that will be discussed include:
• The signs and stages of adrenal insufficiency
• Myths and misconceptions about adrenal health
• Taking an ecological health history
• The most useful tests and resources for assessing hormone levels
• Effective herbal and dietary treatments for adrenal fatigue
• Beyond Mindfulness: why you need more than meditation to reduce stress
• Why it matters that men and women respond to stress differently
• Emotional Patterns that lead to adrenal fatigue
Assessment and Diagnosis of Adrenal Fatigue:
• What questions to ask to assess adrenal fatigue in clients
• The comprehensive list of adrenal insufficiency symptoms in all the stages
• Why most medical doctors misdiagnose or miss the signs of adrenal insufficiency
• The importance of childhood history in stress and adrenal fatigue
• The different ways in which stress is processed
• They key distinction between primary and secondary adrenal insufficiency and why it is important
• The most common causes of secondary adrenal insufficiency
Therapeutic Measures for Healing Adrenal Fatigue:
• What the ‘Total Load’ is and why it’s crucial to good health
• Components of a total-load assessment and system review
• The different types of stressors that impact health beyond just psychological factors
• Appropriate dietary measures
• Why cortisol is important and why it’s safe use for people who need it
Emotional Aspects of Adrenal Fatigue:
• Understanding how ancestral trauma predisposes us to weak adrenals and emotional stress patterns
• Uprooting emotional blockages that prevent the flow of healing energy
• Addressing the underlying motivations for a stress-filled life for people who cannot relax
• The importance of creating healthy boundaries with people and events to protect our vital energy
• How to nourish an internal fire for emotional and spiritual health
• How a culture of hyper-production disrupts our masculine/feminine energies and how to reset our connections to these vital forces
About the Presenter
DR. JOZEF KROP MD (retired), HD, CNP
Dr. Krop has been a leader in complementary medicine for over 30 years and a force in advocating for access to alternative health solutions, for needs of patients with food and chemical sensitivities and also Lyme disease. Drawing from extensive training in environmental medicine, holistic nutrition, energy medicine and homeopathy, thousands of people have been and continue to be empowered through his knowledge and support on their journey to restoring health. Visit him at www.ecohealthcentre.ca
Joanna helps people who are ready for significant shifts in their life create transformations in their personal lives, work, and health. Joanna began teaching in 1998 in K-12 education and in 2010 shifted into alternative healing using bioresonance, hypnosis, and yogic practices. Her special passion is preventing burnout in teachers. She has taught at OISE-UT, regularly publishes in education journals on holistic education and continues to run workshops on preventing teacher burnout. Visit her atwww.teachingwellbeing.com