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Presenter: Hawks Shadow
For as long as memory serves me, I have always been drawn to the natural world. Animals, plants and all the forces of nature have lured me and steered my path. I have seen the comings and goings of forty winters, during which the elements have taught me the wondrous joy and rapture of living close to our Earth mother. These years have also taught me of the perils of walking this particular path. I have walked in the footsteps of my forest brothers.
The Wolf has taught me how to care for my family and the land. The Deer has taught me the wisdom of being always alert.
The Chickadee and Otter have shown me that life is really not all hard work if you have the right attitude. The Blue Heron has shown me patience. The Hawk helps to guide my steps.
I firmly believe that the Earth is alive, all living creatures forming a colossal multifaceted being, each integral to the whole. I feel that we, as humans, have the awesome task of taking care of the earth’s life systems. This is a task which we have sadly abused. The earth is now struggling to cope with the resultant lack of respect.
By connecting with the Earth, we gain our rightful place on her. We see her as the beauty she is, and we cherish each sunrise as if it were our first. The only way to connect with her is through the senses, touch her soil, feel her breath upon your body, see her red and purple sunsets, hear her rage as a storm sweeps in on an eastern wind. Only through this will you find that which we lost.
I learn the Earth’s wisdom so that I may pass it along.
About the Presenter
I have been teaching wilderness education for thirty years. The skills I pass on are tried and tested through years of practice. I have always followed the ancient techniques of learning to live life with the wilderness rather than fearing it. My teaching has brought me to hundreds of class rooms ranging from Kindergarten through to University and Colleges. It is my intention to pass on my skills and knowledge so that people will find the beautyand magic which surrounds them daily.