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Presenter: Sofia Pistrila MSc, CNP
A Clinical Practice Workshop for Nutritional Practitioners
*Practitioners from any accredited holistic nutrition institution are welcome!
This 2 day workshop (Saturday May 27 & June 3) is designed to help practitioners to understand the crucial importance and intricate pathways of Methylation, genetic mutations associated with it and to learn the tricky process of applying the knowledge into practice.
A faulty Methylation is linked to every possible chronic disease and conditions from autism and miscarriages to neurological conditions like depression and bipolar, chronic asthma, CVD, fibromyalgia, cancers, and everything in between. Having Methylation problems will influence also how one metabolizes many medications, how will react to certain medical procedures, and how will react to environmental pollutants. With over 45% of the population having genetic Methylation issues and practically most of the humans having slow Methylation due to epigenetic issues, this is a subject that MUST be discussed and understood.
This subject is crucial for women who want to have children as well.
We will discuss different pathways linked to Methylation and SNPs (genetic mutations) that may take place, supporting substrates and nutrients necessary to optimize glitches.
Various health conditions examples are given through the workshop with appropriate guidance for prevention or healing. We will discuss how well intentioned practitioners can do more harm with automatic application of some myths of addressing Methylation.
The second part of the workshop is going deeper into other pathways linked to Methylation pathway and the tricky subject of balancing Neurotransmitters. Included in the lecture are lists of possible Lab Testing and Markers or red flags to look out for. Workshop will conclude with a few case studies. Participants will leave this workshop with practical knowledge that can be applied immediately in their practice and for their own health.
• Recordings for both workshop days (3 months)
• Sofia’s complete PowerPoint Deck with all handouts mentioned throughout the workshop
2 Day Workshop Outline:
Day 1 (May 27)
Introduction in Methylation:
• Importance of Methylation cycle in our lives and practice and link to chronic diseases
• Basics of Methylation Cycle
• Why the often talked about MTHFR is just a small part of the Methylation puzzle
• Epigenetic blockages/disturbances vs Genetic SNPs
• Evaluate before ”treat”: Importance of a thorough and targeted intake from (ideally) information before birth to date of intake
Breaking Down the Methylation Cycle:
• Folic acid pathway
• Methionine pathway
• Homocysteine and Transsulfuration pathway. Recycling of the Homocysteine
• Various Substrates that can support or disturb the Methylation process
• Lab findings and asking for proper tests
• The dangers of over-supplementing or continuous supplementing
• How unborn and babies are affected by what the mother does. The dangers of wrong supplementation during pregnancy
• MTHFR and Neurotransmitter Formation. PKU. Why clients do not improve and the dangers of supplementing the wrong nutrients
• Statins and other medication’s role in Methylation blockage. What medication and medical procedures must be avoided if one has a serious MTHFR issue
• MTHFR, thyroid disease and cancer
• What is I am sensitive to B12 supplementation? What type of B12 should I give my client?
• The role of L-Arginine, Nitric oxide (NO) and dangers of having too much. How to optimize.
• When using Niacin is a problem.
• Histamine degradation and blockages
• SAM(e) production, utilization and supplementation
• Sulfation. When sulfur is too much. When to apply low sulphur diet.
• Co-factors and nutrients are more important than genetic mutations!
• Some possible Lab Tests. Intake information and client journal more important than labs!
• Application for various diseases: Asthma, fatty liver (NASH), fibromyalgia, CFS
Day 2 (June 3)
• Epigenetics Importance of Diet and Lifestyle in Clinical approach.
—Examples: crucial role of epigenetics in RA, IBDs (Crohn’s and Ulcerative Colitis)
• Testing:
—Basic Labs List, Mitochondria testing, Detoxification testing, Pathogens testing, Cell membrane panel, Methylation panel, SNPs (genetic testing)
• Recap of main pathways and deeper diving into co-factors necessary for each pathway and possible genetic or nutrient blockages
• Anemia is not always about Iron! Microcytic anemia vs macrocytic anemia.
• Deep dive in neurotransmitters
• Can Glyphosates be contributing to the end of humans? Discussed from Methylation perspective.
• Various examples and answers to most asked questions are discussed at different points of the presentation.
• Case studies.
Please review IHN’s Online Workshop Refund Policy & Code of Conduct
About the Presenter
Sofia Pistrila MSc, CNP
Sofia’s work as a passionate advocate and supporter of holistic health choices started more than 17 years ago with her own healing journey. After completing a Masters Degree in Science & Engineering and 18 years of working in the automotive industry, she experienced debilitating health problems. These multiple health issues resulted from working in a high stress environment which ignited her interest in holistic healing. Her willingness to look beyond the conventional brought her to The Institute of Holistic Nutrition where a determination to get healthy again became a passion to heal others.
After graduating from IHN in 2007 with First Class Honors she has had subsequent training in various functional medicine courses with pioneers in the field like dr. Robert Cass (The Academy of International BioEnergetic Sciences) and Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt.
With 15 years of clinical experience and over 13 years of teaching experience in the health field Sofia splits her full time work schedule between her private practice, mentoring new practitioners and teaching at IHN.
As the founder of Sofia Elena Health she offers evidence-based clinical nutrition consulting, functional testing (EAV testing, Gut testing, Hair analysis and Hormonal DUTCH urine testing) and complementary therapies like Reflexology, Reiki and Neuro-Linguistic Programming.