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Presenter: Dr. Jonothon Mainland ND & Dr. Frank Silva ND
Understanding the Lifecycle of Nutraceuticals will be presented at the North York campus.
Have you ever wondered how natural health products are developed; from concept to the finished formula that you prescribe to your clients? Gain valuable insight on how natural health products are designed and formulated for optimal clinical impact and client compliance. Learn all the factors that are considered including ingredient selection, navigating delivery formats for capsules, liquids and powders and breaking down the regulatory aspects of product design. Once you understand the process that goes into product development, interesting and unique ingredients and the clinical application of these ingredients post-development including cutting-edge and everyday nutraceuticals like collagen, Coenzyme Q10, Melatonin, Krill Oil, and specialized extracts will be discussed. Understanding the selection process for sourcing natural health products and differentiating key differences in common ingredients will dramatically affect the way you recommend nutraceuticals to your clients and have significant impact on helping your clients crush their health goals.
What Will You Learn?
You will have an unprecedented look inside the product development cycle from two leading Canadian Natural Health Product Manufacturers: CanPrev and Innovite. Meet the product formulators who travel the globe to source and critically evaluate new developments in natural health products. You will have a deeper understanding of how certain ingredients are selected and why others are discarded along with a hands-on demonstration of creating a custom nutraceutical formula. Attendees will also gain unique insight and deeper understanding of the physiology of commonly prescribed natural health products including: Collagen, Coenzyme Q10, Melatonin, Krill Oil, and other key nutritionals and their application to client protocols to impact change and optimize health.
Key Topics
• The process of selecting ingredients for Natural Health Product development
• Understanding the process of developing capsule, liquid and powder based products
• Navigating the regulatory aspects of Natural Health Product development
• Full transparency and answers to common questions that are rarely answered when it comes to product development
• Insight into valuable nutraceutical ingredients and their clinical application including Collagen, CoQ10, Melatonin, Krill Oil, and other advanced extracts
• Clinical application and how to understand the subtle differences in nutrient therapies to achieve better patient outcomes
Key Reasons to Attend this Lecture
• Gain interesting insight to the world of natural health product formulation and production to be able to critically evaluate and select products on the market for your clients
• Attendees will have a better understanding of natural health ingredients and the subtle differences and advantages of different forms of the same nutrient
• Useful clinical studies and results will be shared to impact your nutritional practice
• All attendees will receive a gift bag of product ($100+ value)
About the Presenter
Dr. Jonothon Mainland ND is a Naturopathic Doctor with an extensive background in naturopathic medicine, business, economics and health sciences. He holds the Vice-President Medical Director position at CanPrev and has over a decade of product formulation, business development and education experience in the natural health industry.
Dr. Frank Silva ND practices evidence-based naturopathic medicine and is the Medical Director for Innovite. He is committed to sharing the principles of healthy living within the community and regularly hosts natural health seminars and lectures to health care practitioners about advances in natural medicine and integrative therapies.