1. What brought you to study Holistic Nutrition at IHN?

I decided to go to IHN to be a Certified Nutritional Practitioner here in Canada, and of course, to expand my knowledge. This decision was influenced by Rachel, my partner who is an IHN grad. It’s given me way better insight in how I conduct client protocols!

2. What course has been your favourite so far, and why?

Psychology of Disease, specifically taught by Nicole DiNardo. Dealing with gut health my entire life, we call it the second brain–to state the obvious your brain comes first! You will not heal your gut unless you have the courage to dig deeper into your subconscious and work resolve any traumas you may be holding onto. This is why I’m a huge advocate of plant medicine therapy.

3. Describe your best experience at IHN so far?

Any open classroom discussion to further understand the point of view and perspective of my peers.

4. What professions have you worked in prior to enrolling at IHN?

I worked as an English teacher in Japan, living in Shizuoka for over a year. I also worked as a health coach for a disease prevention company, Newtopia, for about four years. It was there that I met my partner, Rachel, and together we quit to start our own company in 2022. We founded The Nutritional Paradigm, where I coach clients on gut health and incorporate plant medicines to assist the process. We are currently branching into the supplement market under the brand Paradigm Supplements, and have recently launched our first Methylene Blue product!

We launched our Methylene Blue Product!

5. What degrees or academic achievements did you have prior to IHN?

I studied Psychology and Criminology at Laurier University and was self-taught in Nutrition dating back 12 years ago to which I lost about 70 pounds–kickstarting my health journey. A lot of failures a long the way listening to Guru A through Z which led me back to trusting my own intuition.

6. What are your goals/aspirations as a CNP?

To formulate more supplements and provide programs alongside them to help support and improve their efficacy.

7. What has been your personal best achievement?

Quitting my last job and getting married to Rachel (coming up in August, 2025).

8. What is something you overcame in your life, that you didn’t think you could?

Separating my image from vanity and insecurity. To let go of past toxic behaviours that did not serve me. To go deeper into psychedelic journeys and trusting myself to do it alone. To paraphrase a quote I heard that always motivates me; the scariest thing in life is not death (as Ram Dass would say, death is like taking off a tight shoe), the scariest thing is those moments leading up to death that are filled with regret of all that you didn’t do and didn’t say. Life gets easier when you allow yourself to be and stop judging everything you do!

9. What is something about you that would surprise people?

Never thought I’d say this but I’m starting to prefer coffee enemas over drinking actual coffee after my time at IHN. I remember Jen in Symp 1 saying “you’re drinking coffee the wrong way people!” And I think she may be right.