Anita Sauvé CNP, RNCP

Anita Sauvé CNP, RNCP

Anita has a B. Comm. Honours degree from the University of Toronto and later attended The Institute of Holistic Nutrition and graduated with First Class Honours. She is passionately committed to empowering people with knowledge about what goes on their plates.

Anita has a private consulting practice where she specializes in food sensitivities. She uses a BioMeridian machine to test clients for food sensitivities as well as imbalances in common areas of health concerns including hormones, digestive enzymes and environmental substances. She works with clients on an individual basis to increase energy levels, decrease toxins and improve digestion. She uses a whole food approach to develop personal programs in support of any health concerns her clients may have. Anita’s excellent communication skills are put to use in teaching and public speaking engagements. She creates lectures and does food demos for both corporate clients and public groups on many different nutritional topics. She is an instructor at Goodness Me! Health food stores. Anita teaches Fundamentals of Nutrition, Preventive Healthcare, Comparative Diets, Nutrition Through the Lifespan and both Symptomatology Part’s I & II at The Institute of Holistic Nutrition.

  • FN 001 Nutrition and Health: The Fundamentals

    An introduction to the principles of nutrition as they relate to health and to the prevention of disease. This course provides a framework for the study of the basics of nutrition including; micronutrients (vitamins and minerals), the energy-yielding nutrients (Carbohydrates, Lipids and Proteins), metabolism, digestion, absorption and energy balance. This course will also look at lipids in detail: their functions, classification, dietary requirements, digestion & absorption, metabolism and links to the major fatal diseases, heart disease and cancer.

  • PHC 005 Preventive Health Care

    Nutrition is positioned as a significant factor in the prevention of many disease states. Learn how proper nutrition can protect against, reverse and/or retard many ailments including: osteoporosis, diabetes, atherosclerosis and high blood pressure, arthritis, cancer, anemia, kidney disease and colon cancer. Current research developments on phytochemicals, antioxidants and nutraceuticals will be explored.

  • CD 011 Comparative Diets

    This course provides a holistic model methodology in evaluating principles of food dynamics, nutrient proportions, holistic individuality, the law of opposites, food combining, and more. Students learn and assess the many therapeutic benefits and limitations of several alternative diet approaches, including: modern diets (intermittent fasting, macrobiotics), food combining (colour-therapy/rainbow diet), high protein diets (Ketogenic, Paleo), Vegetarian approaches (plant-based/vegetarian/vegan variations, fruitarian, raw food), as well as cleansing and detoxification diets (caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine detoxes, juice fasts). With the knowledge gained in this course, students will be able to identify individual's dietary imbalances, and analyze macronutrient proportions to design custom health-promoting diets and lifestyle programs.

  • NLS 010 Nutrition through the Life Span

    Nutrient needs and nutritional status are explored using a life span model. Areas of emphasis include growth and development, high risk pediatric groups, infant childhood allergies and diseases. Womens’ and Mens’ health concerns and the nutrition challenges faced by our aging society will also be examined.

  • NS 003 Nutritional Symptomatology Part I

    Understand the clinical assessment of nutritional status by interpreting physiological symptoms and their relationships to nutritional deficiencies and excesses. Learn the inter-relationships that exist between nutrients and how these play a critical role in determining optimal nutritional requirements. Students will develop foundational as well as specific protocols for balanced nutritional health. Students will understand how physiological symptoms reflect and determine one’s nutritional status. Students will learn the essential principles of biochemical individuality and how this plays a critical role in determining optimal nutritional requirements, specific nutritional deficiencies and toxicities.

  • NS 003 Nutritional Symptomatology Part 2

    Nutrition is positioned as a significant factor in the prevention of many disease states. Learn how proper nutrition can protect against, reverse and/or retard many ailments including: osteoporosis, diabetes, atherosclerosis and high blood pressure, arthritis, cancer, anemia, kidney disease and colon cancer. Current research developments on phytochemicals, antioxidants and nutraceuticals will be explored.