Eva Cabaca, MEd, CNP, ROHP, CH.
Eva holds a Masters of Education degree and has an extensive background in teaching. She holds Diplomas with honours in Natural Health Counselling, Applied Holistic Nutrition and Herbal Medicine. Eva is a 1998 graduate of the Institute of Holistic Nutrition where she has been teaching courses in Ayurveda, Herbal Medicine, Holistic Food Preparation and Nutrition and the Environment since that year. She brings a blend of traditions and skills to her practice and teaching.
She is a Registered Nutritional Consulting Practitioner and the director of Live Nutrition Cooking School. Inspired by her life’s mission, she has been involved in teaching biodynamic gardening at the Toronto Waldorf School and conducting public herb walks and cooking classes. Her life passions include spreading the knowledge of simple whole living, spirituality, care for the environment as well as rigorous yoga practice. She is the author of Earthly and Divine – Whole Recipes for a Healthy World.
Eva teaches Holistic Food Preparation, Nutrition & the Environment and Herbal Medicine at the Institute of Holistic Nutrition’s North York, Toronto & Mississauga Campuses