Sofia Pistrila MSc, CNP

Sofia Pistrila MSc, CNP

Sofia’s work as a passionate advocate and supporter of holistic health choices started more than 17 years ago with her own healing journey. After completing a Masters Degree in Science & Engineering and eighteen years of working in the automotive industry, she experienced debilitating health problems. These multiple health issues resulted from working in a high stress environment which ignited her interest in holistic healing. Her willingness to look beyond the conventional brought her to The Institute of Holistic Nutrition where a determination to get healthy again became a passion to heal others.

After graduating from IHN in 2007 with First Class Honors she has had subsequent training in various functional medicine courses with pioneers in the field such as Dr. Robert Cass and Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt.

With 15 years of clinical experience, the acquisition of advanced clinical training and over 13 years of teaching experience in the field Sofia splits her schedule between her private practice, mentoring new practitioners as a Co-op Placement Partner and teaching at IHN.

As the founder of Sofia Elena Health she offers evidence-based clinical nutrition consulting, functional testing (EAV testing, Gut testing, Hair analysis and Hormonal DUTCH urine testing) and complementary therapies such as Reflexology, Reiki and Neuro-Linguistic Programming.

Her clinical work is focused on solving mostly chronically ill degenerative conditions, autoimmune diseases and cancer cases. Sofia teaches Nutritional Symptomatology Part 2 at the Institute of Holistic Nutrition’s Toronto and Mississauga campuses.

  • NS 003 Nutritional Symptomatology Part 2

    Nutrition is positioned as a significant factor in the prevention of many disease states. Learn how proper nutrition can protect against, reverse and/or retard many ailments including: osteoporosis, diabetes, atherosclerosis and high blood pressure, arthritis, cancer, anemia, kidney disease and colon cancer. Current research developments on phytochemicals, antioxidants and nutraceuticals will be explored.