Most Memorable Moment
I will never forget it – the day I arrived at the school to have a tour and speak with Elizabeth. From the moment I walked in, I felt uneasy and scared as I could feel the intimacy and openness right away. As Sanchia showed me around, I started to realize that going to this school was exactly the thing I needed to do, to challenge myself, and make a transformation. Sanchia and I sat down to talk, and I will never forget that she said to me: “Special people come to this school, and if you decide to attend, then you are one of those special people too.” Wow. It took until the end of the year for me to believe that yes, I am one of those special people. And it is because of IHN that I have this knowledge. I am eternally grateful.
Favourite Class
I cannot pick just one, but I can highlight two which will always stand out in my mind.
Environmental Studies – Eva’s calm and optimistic nature helped to soften the blow of the information which was presented. The first few days of this course, I would go back to my car and cry. To finally wake up and realize the deep natural connection between humans and earth, and the consequences to both from years of environmental abuse was life-changing.
Professional Skills – This class literally changed my life. I was always the person who would drop classes, or not take projects which I found out involved presentations. The first day of Professional Skills class, we had to stand in front of the room in silence for 1 minute, and before Jill even called my name, I knew I would be first. From that moment, I knew that I could get over my fear of speaking in front of a group of people, and I felt myself improving and gaining confidence over the rest of the days. I feel that this is maybe the most important course at IHN, as people who have this fear would probably never seek out help on their own, unless forced. By being “forced” while at IHN, you can get over your fear in a safe environment in front of true friends.
Currently doing in the field of Holistic Nutrition
While building a successful consulting practice after graduation I was also building a brand new life. I am currently a full-time Mom with a three year old long-term client. During nursery school and naptime breaks I am working on plans for a new adventure in the holistic nutrition field, however it manifests.
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Favourite Quote
You must be the change you want to see in the world.
Mahatma Gandhi