Farida Visram

Farida Visram



Graduation Date
April 2019

Most memorable moment at IHN
My second class – Nutrition & Health The Fundamentals. I was struggling with a cold and had already missed the first lecture. But everything I learned during that next class solidified the fact that my instinct to pursue and fulfil a lifelong passion in health after a 25 year career in banking was indeed the right one and happening at the right time in my life. I had found my “raison d’etre”.

Favorite class at IHN
The Psychology of Disease. As part of our course work, I read Bruce Lipton’s “The Biology of Belief” (which I am incidentally re-reading) in which he shares scientific research on how our deeply ingrained subconscious beliefs affect our physical health. My eyes were forever opened to how our thoughts, beliefs and mindsets shape and influence our physical, mental and emotional health.

Currently doing in the field of Holistic Nutrition
I continue to unravel the numerous connections that imbalanced blood glucose and insulin levels has – not just to pre-diabetes and diabetes but almost every other chronic condition – heart disease, cancer, dementia, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, prostate enlargement, gallstones, poor sleep and so much more. And how simple dietary and lifestyle strategies within everyone’s reach can re-ignite health and hope.

Contact information
905 782 8181

Favourite Quote

In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity.

Sun Tzu
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