Karolina Fritz

Karolina Fritz



Graduation date:
Fall 2009

Most memorable moment at IHN:
Some of my favourite memories at IHN involved my colleagues. We always did group projects together. We shared wonderful delicious organic vegetarian soups. By the end of the year our gatherings had evolved into movie nights.  We have kept in touch with each other over the years and still hang out every so often.

Favourite class at IHN:
One of my favourite classes at IHN was Herbal Medicine. I really enjoyed learning about the impacts of herbs, how they affect the body, and how to make formulas.  I furthered this passion for herbs/plants, and studied Essential Oils. I have combined my knowledge of Essential Oils and my background in Chemistry to teach the Chemistry of Essential Oils at a local Institute for many years. Now I am using this knowledge to start a blog about Essential Oils.

Currently doing in the field of holistic nutrition:
I am the co-owner of Medium Squared (mediumsquared.com). I am a gifted medium and have been able to communicate with the spirit world since I was a small child back in Chile. I hid these talents for a very long time. Preferring the scientific world, I attained a Ph.D. in Nanotechnology to block out this part of myself.  Once I embraced my gifts and talents, I reconnected with the other side as the powerful medium I always was, often mimicking mannerisms and/or speech patterns of those who had passed on. I have the ability to see, speak, and feel loved ones that have crossed over.  Furthermore, I use my medical intuitive skills along with my training in energy medicine and holistic nutrition to assist people in understanding the emotional, psychological, and physical reasons why their bodies have developed an illness.  I provide a variety of holistic services on my website mediumsquared.com; with services available in both English and Spanish. 

Contact Information

Favourite Quote

Our deepest fear... [Quote is available as PDF]

Marianne Williamson
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