Toni Pigeon
Graduation Date
October 11
Most memorable moment at IHN
My first day in my very first class at IHN. It happened to be The Psychology of Disease. I had never really been exposed to the concept of Energy Mind/Body Medicine, and I sat there wide-eyed and loving every minute of it! I felt so fortunate to be sitting there in that class, enrolled in this school. I knew it was where I wanted to be. Another memorable moment for me was in the Ayurveda class. Our teacher (who had already trained as a medical doctor as well as an Ayurvedic doctor) had the most beautiful singing voice, and she would sing sometimes during class. It might sound so insignificant, but it was so uplifting and simply made learning more joyful.
Favorite class at IHN
It’s really difficult for me to pick one class as my favourite at IHN. I got so much out of almost all of them. I really enjoyed Body Metabolism because it really got into the biology of what makes the body run. Fortunately it was taught by an instructor, who isn’t just a wealth of scientific knowledge, but is adept at actually teaching it! Having a decent understanding of cellular metabolism has really helped me in my practice over the years. The Symptomatology courses were invaluable as a basis for what I do, not to mention the Fundamentals class! I could go on!
Currently doing in the field of Holistic Nutrition
Soon after graduating from IHN, I moved to the Montreal area where I started seeing clients one-on-one. My practice is located a little west of Montreal in a beautiful century home that has been converted to offices. I use the concepts of Symptomatology as a base for every new client. I’ve learned over the years that the body really does talk! There is so much that one can learn by just listening to your client and observing them. I also use muscle-testing and bio-energetics to help my clients reach their health goals. Being a holistic nutritionist is never boring – every client is a new and unique story!
Contact information
Favourite Quote
Try not to become a man of success but try rather to become a man of value.
Author unknown