Graduation Date
October 2016
Most memorable moment at IHN
To pick one most memorable moment from my time at IHN is near impossible because of the shear amount of memorable moments that I experienced while studying there. The incredible amount of knowledge I gained, the friendly atmosphere, and the group trips to name some. However, my most memorable moment at IHN would have to be during our professional skills development course when we were tasked to make our own cards that would be passed around the classroom for each student to write positive, kind, and encouraging words to you on. This was such a memorable moment for me because I can remember the room being flooded with so much positivity, kindness, and happiness — you could feel it surrounding you, and the words written inside my card were so extremely heart warming and touching, that I will never forget that moment for the rest of my life. It simply washed away the stress and anxiety of all the tests, assignments, and presentations of the classes previous to Professional Skills Development. It really reminded us all of why we were attending IHN. Following this class, I photocopied my card and framed it because of how special it was to me.
Favourite Class at IHN
I would have to say that there was not one course at IHN that I did not enjoy in some way. Every course provided a new learning opportunity, a new collection of memories, and a fresh outlook on a variety of concepts related to natural health. If I was to choose one class as my favorite, however, it would be Professional Skills Development. This course lent the opportunity for an incredible amount of personal growth, as well as the growth of the relationships inside of our group at the time. We became much more close with one another after learning a great deal about each other through the sharing of many personal stories. It was an amazing course from the very start to the last class, with not a single negative aspect to speak about.
Currently doing in the field of Holistic Nutrition
I am the founder/owner of Holistic Living which is my very own private holistic nutrition practice. I aim to bring individuals’ health back in balance by working with them side by side to implement simplistic and realistic modifications to their dietary choices, lifestyle habits, and emotional well-being. I currently offer my Recharge & Re-balance group wellness program in the Durham Region that focuses on educating individuals on manageable, cost effective, and realistic ways they may rejuvenate their overall health and well-being on a daily basis. Besides this, I am working as a Holistic Nutritionist for a major health food store chain in Canada, and publishing health informative blog posts on my website.
Contact Information
Favourite Quote
"Never give up; for even rivers someday wash dams away."
Arthur Golden