Jamie-Lynn Shaw

Jamie-Lynn Shaw


Graduation Date: October 2013

Most Memorable Moment at IHN:
My very first day of the program sitting in Nutrition & Health: The Fundamentals. I knew I was exactly where I needed to be and was so excited about the program and the future!

Favourite Class at IHN:
Nutritional Symptomatology Part 1 and Part 2 – this class allowed me to use the theory I learned in class and apply it to real life case studies.

Currently Doing in the Field of Holistic Nutrition:
I run an online business at www.jamielynnshaw.com working with nutrition clients worldwide. I am the Holistic Nutritionist at a gym in Ottawa and I work with Staterra, an Ottawa based nutrition research company formulating customized supplements. I work with Koru Nutrition where I use my advanced nutrition knowledge to assist individuals dealing with brain and other neurological issues, such as brain injury, mental health, chronic pain, spinal cord injury, by creating customized assessments and nutritional protocols. I host corporate wellness talks for businesses around the city of Ottawa on various health topics such as stress, batch cooking, immunity and much more.

Contact Info:

Favourite Quote

If you can't fly, then run. If you can't run, then walk. If you can't walk, then crawl, but by all means, keep moving.

Martin Luther King Jr
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