Most Memorable Moment at IHN
There are so many memorable moments and friends that are made for life when attending IHN. What shall I tell you about? That you can leave an umbrella in the student lounge for 2 weeks and no one will steal it? That I left a bag with $400 in text books laying in a classroom one day by accident and returned the next day to find it had been turned in to the office? That in June of 2010 when my classmates, fellow students, and I experienced an earthquake the rest of the building was pushing and shoving each other to get out while we quietly and calmly waited for it to pass? I could tell you about all those things, but that would seem like bragging…
Favourite Class at IHN
Although every course was interesting and valuable to my continued success as a holistic nutritionist, without a doubt Advanced Nutrition Research was my favourite. The Director of Nutrition Studies, Elizabeth Papadopoulus, told me in her fifteen years at IHN, no one has ever told her that. Let me explain the reason why it was mine. The course (fondly known by the student body as simply ‘Research’) armed me with the science and the ability to find the proof that what we do as nutritionists is science-based healing. It provided me insight into the healing power of Olive Leaf Extract and encouraged me to further study the science behind the healing on my own. How else can you find out that there are 47 000 scientific studies on vitamin C alone? Advanced Nutrition Research…
Currently Doing in the Field of Holistic Nutrition
I currently run a successful practice and am the only nutritionist in the City of Windsor registered with the International Organization of Nutritional Consultants. My objective in my practice, unlike many allopathic medical practitioners, is to educate my clients so that they may become in charge of their own health. I wish to ‘teach a man (or a woman) to fish’, not simply provide them with advice that I expect them to follow blindly. I only take on clients who are truly prepared to achieve their goals, for if they are not ready, there is nothing I can do to help.
I am an instructor at the Institute of Holistic Nutrition, teaching Comparative Diets, Preventive Health Care, and Professional Skills Development and I use my 20 years on stage as a professional stand-up, improv, and sketch comedian both in my practice, and in my classrooms. I use humour to lighten the mood, and to drive home points that laughter ensures will never be forgotten. I bring 15 years experience consulting with Natural Source Products and Research Nutrition, bodybuilding and therapeutic nutritional supplement companies respectively, that provides real world experience to my students.
Lastly, I work as a public speaker for private, public, and non-profit organizations including the Windsor-Essex Catholic District School Board among many others. I lecture on various topics including “The Dove Didn’t Bring Noah an Olive Leaf for Nuthin’”, “Why Holistic Practitioners are Mislabeled as Alternative Healthcare”, and, “The De-evolution of the Canada Food Guide”. I am also available for food demonstrations such as ‘Chocolate Madness’ where I teach groups how to make delicious, vegan, raw, healthy, good-for-you chocolate!
Contact Information:
Phone: 519-819-0092
Favourite Quote
There is no pharmaceutical on the planet that can repair and rebuild tissue – only food can do that.
Bernard Jensen