Most Memorable Moment
There were a couple actually. The first was in Ayurveda with Kamsella. At the time I was in the midst of a 5 month plus “cold” and going through a tremendous amount of personal stress. She was the only person that said people shouldn’t criticize me for being sick as my body was only going through a form of detox and everyone has to go through it at some point. I felt her loving kindness throughout my time with her. Later on in the class she gave a little going away token to each member of the class. They were stones etched with meaningful words. I chose the stone etched with Hope in it to represent the feeling I would like to pass on to each person I meet. If I can trigger a spark of hope in each client or person I meet I will feel I have made a difference in this world. The other memorable moment was in Josie’s class, Professional Skills. It was in that class that I was finally able to mourn the loss of a good friend and realize the relationship between grief/sadness & how it can materialize in the body when not acknowledged. Let’s just say the speech I had to give was very emotional, therapeutic and can rival the best therapy session in the world.
Favourite Class
You can’t just pick one class as they all have a hand in developing the person I am today. I have a particular fondness for all of Murat’s classes as I really think there is no question you ask that he can not answer! The most amazing part of it is that he is so patient when answering you. I also loved the Holistic Food Prep course as we got to learn how to make delicious, healthy meals AND eat them. There was also Josie’s Professional Skills class that taught us speaking skills and other important skills needed when interacting with the public. And of course you can’t forget Josh’s Symptomalogy I class where we were finally able to bring all the foundational knowledge we learned and apply it. A very practical class indeed. His meticulous and organized approached was very appreciated. Lastly, the Anatomy & Physiology class with Karolina Fritz was fascinating. She really made it clear and simple enough for me to understand and learn the material; something that a terrified former financial researcher truly appreciated.
Currently Doing in the Field of Holistic Nutrition
I volunteer regularly with the Community Care Access Centre in Toronto East and Durham region by teaching the public how to self manage their chronic health condition. This Free 6 week standardized program designed by Stanford University has been shown to be effective in empowering individuals to make healthy lifestyle changes. This program that is also available internationally, incorporates elements of the mind/body relationship while at the same time introducing practical, useful concepts and tools to each participant.
Recently, I have also begun to be a part of Joyous Health’s Eat Well Feel Well Program. Joy McCarthy & Michelle Uy, co-founders of this holistic nutrition and yoga program, teaches people how to have a healthier body and mind. The program educates people on the relationship between food and themselves.
My private practice focuses mainly on elder care and mental health. Along with seeing clients, I also do many educational workshops across the GTA and Durham region. In 2011, I will be launching specialized programs for elder care, caregivers and individuals suffering from mental health — three areas that I am adamantly passionate about.
I am available for one on one consultations, group lectures, corporate talks, education sessions, and lunch and learn seminars.
Favourite Quote
… Welcome nothing, refuse nothing, Reflect everything, hold nothing, And so they triumph over things with never a wound. The best thing for being sad is to learn something. That is the only thing that never fails. You may grow old and trembling in your anatomies, you may lie awake at night listening to the disorder of your veins, you may miss your only love, you may see the world about you devastated by evil lunatics, or know your honour trampled in the sewers of baser minds. There is only one thing for it then — to learn. Learn why the world wags and what wags it. That is the only thing which the mind can never exhaust, never alienate, never be tortured by, never fear or distrust, and never dream of regretting.
Chuang Tzu (The Way of Emperors and Kings) | Merlyn the Magician in T. H. White’s, *The Once and Future King