Graduation Date:
November 2021
Most memorable moment at IHN
The most memorable moment was when I finally had that “ah ha” moment where every class started to come together like a puzzle and became clear. I enjoyed the relationships with the instructors as they were so patient and kind. They wanted us to grow and succeed to be prepared and confident with the knowledge we learned. I also enjoyed my relationships with my colleagues. We supported each other through texts and calls to create a strong, supportive, and positive environment. I was honoured to be chosen as class valedictorian and represent my fellow graduates at our convocation.
Favorite class at IHN
Each class taught me so much and I was pushed and mentored and nurtured every day I was in class. Fundamentals of Nutrition and Preventive Health Care laid the foundation for our Symptomatology classes. Everything began to flow, and all the courses were linking together. So too was my understanding of how each part of ones body links itself to becoming a protective soldier by continuously healing, protecting, fighting, and nurturing. The courses I took gave me the confidence to listen to those messages before my barrel gets too full and really creates dis-ease.
Currently doing in the field of Holistic Nutrition
Currently I work with busy on the go individuals that are burnt out. When this happens, they begin to feel dis-ease. I tell them they need “a tune up” by learning to eat well, address the stress and emotions brings you back to balance and optimal health. I work with people who have sleeping disturbances, hormone imbalances, and addressing skin health. My clients learn very quickly how food is medicine and that the road to feeling better, is in their inner force! I have also completed training as a Certified Holistic Cancer Practitioner and R. BIE Practitioner.
Contact information
Favourite Quote
In a gentle way, you can shake the world.
Mahatma Gandhi