Graduation Date: October 2018
Most Memorable Moment at IHN:
IHN was a place where I have created some of my fondest memories. What made my time at IHN very memorable was definitely the people – students, staff and Faculty. Everyone was so amazing! Choosing one particular moment as the most memorable is impossible!
Favourite Class at IHN and Why:
I would say that my favourite class at IHN was Professional Skills Development. In this class, I discovered how much I enjoy public speaking!
Currently Doing in the Field of Holistic Nutrition:
I feel very blessed to be in the field of Holistic Nutrition. The three areas that I am currently active in include:
Clinical practice — I have my own practice called Holistic Skin Artisan, which focuses primarily on skin health. Using a non-invasive health technology called BIE, coupled with nutrition, I help many clients with acne, eczema, hives, and rashes. My own journey using alternative approaches to successfully reverse my severe eczema symptoms is what inspired this area of focus for my practice.
Nutrition consulting and Program Development — I am the Program Director of a nutrition consulting company called Get Real To Heal. The mission of the company is to change the global state of health from sick-care to healthcare through two programs: i) The Beyond Food Program, which brings clients through a well designed program to achieve food freedom and to use food to obtain an optimal state of health ii) The Practitioners Program that aims to develop and empower nutritional practitioners and get them working in the field.
Teaching — I am on the Faculty at The Institute of Holistic Nutrition as a Biochemistry instructor!
Contact Info:
Favourite Quote
You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.
Dr. Seuss.