Tonya Papanikolov

Tonya Papanikolov

B.Sc., CNP, QRA Practitioner, Raw Food Chef

Graduation Date:
October 2016

Most memorable moment at IHN:
Stella’s delicious soups and the Herb Walk and Holistic Food Prep with Eva

Favourite class at IHN and why:
Truly impossible to decide because as the name implies, ‘Holistic Nutrition’ is a representation of the many elements that contribute to health! I loved the integrated approach because as we know health is so complex. Fundamentals, because it got me invigorated my thirst for knowledge. Ayurveda, because it’s such an ancient science and I love the empowerment of self-healing. Nutrition and the Environment, because I learned that nutrition goes beyond healthcare and is also political and helps save the environment. Symptomatology, because that’s where you learn the real work of healing and creating custom protocols and the sequence to healing. Herbal Medicine, because plants and nature are so wise. Psychology of Disease, because in my experience, the biggest shifts happen in the energetic realm to make room for healing in the physical body.

Currently doing in the field of Holistic Nutrition:
The Well Woman, a platform for holistic education and client practice and founder of Rainbo, a medicinal mushroom based line of supplements, educating on the power of fungi to heal the body and mind.

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