Jessica Sarah Morris

Jessica Sarah Morris

CNP / April 2013

Most memorable moment at IHN
My most memorable moment would have been the last day of Professional Practice where we were all told to stick a blank piece of paper onto our back and walk around the room writing what you liked best about one another on the paper taped to their back (which they couldn’t see). Once we had written on all of our classmates papers, we were allowed to un-tape the paper from our back and read all the sweet and thoughtful comments. To this day, I glance at the paper if I’m ever feeling blue, and it brings me right back to my happy place!

Favourite class at IHN
Professional skills development was by far my favourite class. It was extremely interactive, fun and creative. I got to know my classmates very well, and share my creative side with them. Speaking in front of an audience is one of my passions, this class took my skills to a whole new and improved level and I will always be thankful for that.

Currently doing in the field of Holistic Nutrition
I have my own full-time business Jessica Morris Health where I see clients one-on-one and help them feel and look their best, through personal training and holistic nutrition services. I specialize in body composition and strength and conditioning. I am also featured on Toronto radio and television stations and give out helpful health tips to viewers.

Contact Information:
Phone: 416-529-9218

Favourite Quote

When something bad happens you have 3 choices, you can either let it define you, destroy you or strengthen you.

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