Most memorable moment at IHN
Some of my most memorable moments from IHN came at home with my family. My kids were school-age when I went back to school and they were enthusiastic about helping me study and learning and incorporating new information into our kitchen. I had study notes stuck to all the walls and cupboards. After many years of trying to cook mindfully with a self-taught approach, it was wonderful to bring home and share some new holistic approaches to health and nutrition.
Favourite Class at IHN
I loved the introduction to the program with the Fundamentals of Nutrition course as it provided a great overview of the year ahead, and I also really loved the Sports Nutrition course for the useful information it offered for my personal fitness passion.
Mostly I really enjoyed varied perspectives that each course provided. It truly was holistic.
Currently doing in the field of Holistic Nutrition
I am currently running my company, Square Snacks. We develop and produce healthy, nutrient-dense snack-sized snacks.
I love cooking and the process of developing new healthy and delicious products. Our first recipes were developed for distribution in collaboration with George Brown College Food Innovation Research Studio (FIRSt). It was a great experience, and we launched Square Snacks into the market in 2012.
This year Square Snacks was named one of the Top 10 Innovators in food by the Food in Canada magazine.
Our goal is to continue to develop and bring healthy and delicious packaged snacks into the mainstream.
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Favourite Quote
A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.
Albert Einstein