Most Memorable Moment
My most memorable moment at IHN was actually before starting IHN. It was the day I first met Shayna Grimwood, the Director of the IHN Vancouver campus. I had just returned home from an internship working with an Aids Support Organization in Uganda, and after Shayna and I started chatting we discovered that I lived around the corner from where she had lived previously in the same city in East Africa. Small world! I hadn’t even heard of IHN until then, but having that connection with Shayna was powerful and meaningful, and it’s also a fun story to tell to this day!
Favourite Class
It’s challenging to choose a favourite as all of the classes were so valuable in different ways. My two favourites were probably my first class and my last class at IHN. My first class was Nutrition and Health Fundamentals. This class gave me a refreshing overview of the body, nutrients and health -especially after recently completing a very science heavy Nutrition program at UBC. Professional Skills, which was my last class, helped me build the confidence to bring all my knowledge to the public, by unleashing my authenticity and helping me up level public speaking and teaching cooking demos.
Currently doing in the field of Holistic Nutrition
I have taken the entrepreneurial route since graduating IHN, and I am loving it. I am involved in a number of different projects and companies, all of which I get to express my creativity and knowledge.
Soon after graduating I created my platform for Nutrition and Health consulting – Erika Weissenborn Nutrition. Within my business I do personal health and nutrition consultations, private cooking lessons, lectures and classes, and holistic food preparation and catering.
Lulora is one of my biggest passions and projects that I am working on currently. It is an online platform for personal health transformation, helping people shift to a more sustainable plant based diet. I am thrilled to be working with two of my dearest friends (John Huddart and Simon Thompson) on this exciting online business. Here I host webinars, conduct coaching calls and write articles as well as provide customer support for their thousands of followers.
I’m also the nutritionist for Holy Crap cereals, which is a fun local healthy cereal company, that gained much success and exposure from being featured on The Dragons Den TV show. I write articles, provide customer support, and work expos with this great company, which is based on the Sunshine Coast – my hometown!
I have also taught classes and workshops for Capilano University, UBC and through my own business where I get to go in-depth and share my personal knowledge of food, nutrition and health and deliver it in a way which I think will be most impactful for student’s health and wellbeing. This aspect of my work is challenging and exciting!
And in my spare time (which is little these days!) I help tutor current IHN students with their science courses.
Contact Information:
Phone: 604-928-2844
Favourite Quote
Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.
Viktor E. Frankl