Jody Toyonaga

Jody Toyonaga

O.D. , C.N.P. / July 2010

Most Memorable Moment at IHN
There were so many life changing “aha moments” for me this year; making my first image board, learning how to sprout, doing a live food demonstration (trying to use a knife and talk at the same time without injuring myself), public speaking, tongue scraping, doing enemas. A year ago, I would have said with complete confidence, “Oooh, that’s gross, I would never (fill in the blank)”….never say never!

Favourite Class 
I have to say that my “favourite class” was actually the program in its entirety. The program’s design allows for a synergy of information between the courses, with the sum of its parts being greater than the whole. Because of my science background, I was impressed with the foundational science-based courses such as anatomy and physiology, chemistry, body metabolism and pathology. I was quite comfortable with these courses but was initially unsure of the “alternative” courses such as Ayurveda, Psychology of Disease and Herbology. Prior to attending IHN, I viewed such subjects with a “healthy scepticism”. However as the year progressed, my mind began to open to a different reality and new paradigm. I began to understand and embrace concepts such as epi-genetics, iridology, the charka system, dowsing. As a result, by the end of the program, I emerged physically, emotionally and energetically a different person. I enjoyed learning from all of my teachers, who each in their own way had a positive impact on me. I loved the supportive vibe at IHN which was fostered by Elizabeth, Julia and Rebecca in the front office, as well as the positive energies of my classmates. I met many wonderful, like-minded individuals who I know will continue to be a part of my life. Being at IHN truly changed the course of my life.

Currently Doing in the Field of Holistic Nutrition
I am currently working part-time as a holistically minded optometrist and part-time as a holistic nutritionist. Additionally I am working toward a masters degree in holistic nutrition. The knowledge I received at IHN has changed the way I practice optometry and it has given me a new found passion in it. Now that I have both my optometry and certified nutritional practitioner designations, I have been given opportunities that I would otherwise not have had. In November, 2010 I was asked to participate in a diabetic retinal screening program as an optometrist (disease detection) as well as a nutritionist (disease prevention). From this, I was asked to give a lecture series on nutrition as it applies to ocular health and disease prevention/management in April 2011 to the New Brunswick Optometric Association.

I feel fortunate to have been given a solid foundation of nutritional principles from IHN, but I realise that I have just started to scrape the surface of this field. I am therefore committed to continued learning as well as sharing whatever knowledge I have with others.

Contact Information:
Phone: 416-704-9702

Favourite Quote

Every thought you produce, anything you say, any action you do, it bears your signature.

Thich Nhat Hanh
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